2:46 QuakeBook

The 2:46 Quakebook project started with a tweet and is on the verge of something great, a way that we can help all those hit by the the March 11th, 2011 earthquake and its aftermath.
Led by Our Man In Abiko, a call went out across Twitter for contributors to create a book to raise funds for Red Cross Japan
source : quakebook.blogspot.com
. BLOG : Our Man In Abiko .
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quote Japan Times
From raw emotion to relief: 'Quakebook'
What started as the "Quakebook," now titled "2:46" after the time the earthquake hit, originated in a shower in Abiko, Chiba Prefecture, a week after the earthquake and tsunami devastated the Pacific coast of northern Honshu. A longtime British resident of Japan, who blogs as Our Man in Abiko, trying to think of ways in which he might help survivors, decided he could put his experience as a former journalist to work compiling an anthology of earthquake and tsunami experiences, written by Japan residents.
In the book's introduction, Our Man in Abiko writes, "This book was conceived one week after the quake. It was written, edited and completed in seven days to tell people's stories while their feelings were raw, memories fresh and futures so uncertain.
... "If Japan is to lift itself from disaster, enormous effort will have to be expended by a great many people. Tens of thousands are already working together under extreme pressure towards this goal, in the hardest hit Tohoku region, around the nuclear reactors in Fukushima, and throughout the nation and world, in an effort to restore the supply of essential goods and services.
... I don't know where to start to write . . . Ten days has passed since the earthquake. My parents' house is within 40 km of the Fukushima nuclear plant. They've been told they must stay indoors. Although the house wasn't greatly damaged by the earthquake or tsunami, as the house is built on solid ground, they have to contend with the problem of radiation.
... My 70-year-old mother refuses to go to a shelter and insists on staying at home. She says she's not bothered by magnitude 3 earthquakes. Even though the government seems to have forgotten her, she is perfectly calm. What is the government doing? Don't they care about the people in Fukushima? When people living towards the coast were confronted with the threat of radiation, the whole town decided to evacuate without waiting for government instructions. Nobody in my hometown will evacuate. Why? What's more, they took in people evacuating from the town next-door, so now they feel they can't evacuate themselves and leave those people behind.
Tokyo (hometown Tamura, Fukushima)
... The strength of our generation is our experience. While this disaster is unprecedented, similar experiences such as postwar chaos, oil shocks and the 2005 Miyagi earthquake have kept us prepared. Many people also had stocks of emergency supplies. I pray that old people who are sick or weak can quickly receive medical attention. But rather then telling healthy old folk that you will support them, it would cheer them more to say that you'll strive to get through this together.
source : japantimes.co.jp
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