. Earthquake Diary - March 19 .

Kizuna Daruma 復興支援だるま(絆)
Bonding with Tohoku
you can buy it for 500 yen.
source : Imai Daruma Shop
The second week after the shock

This Daruma says
he wants to be glued to your desk to prevent him wobbeling in the next earthquake.
source : pukupuku Do
Daruma san ga koronda ... だるまさんがころんだ

Daruma has fallen down, but he will get up.
He falls down seven times, but gets up eight times.
Daruma is a great teacher in times of need.
. . . . .

so many
need your help !
Fukushima Daruma

Tepco Daruma
Get him on a tee shirt
Tepco Lucky Daruma Doll
source : www.stopobamatees.com
and while checking, I found some
Tepco Sushi

. another source : TEPCO illustrations
Takasaki Daruma to Help Japan !
高崎だるまで応援しています !
For the year of the rabbit!

source : Yoshida Daruma Shop
. Takasaki Daruma Dolls . 高崎だるま .
makeru mon ka, Iwate !

Iwate will not be defeated!
(April 30)
Tee shirts to help Japan

source : www.excite.co.jp
Japan will show us flowers again!
Chikori Daruma

source : jakeandwess.com

source : tamis-store

東北復興ワッペン だるま!
You can sow this wappen on your cloths.
source : FC2 Shopping Mall

Help planting fields in Tohoku!
source : CoCoLo Yuzawa 湯沢

Photo from Sakurai san.
Daruma Tourist Boat
stranded in Sendai after the tsunami
Daruma on a desk in Tokyo
during the quake on March 11

source : esper_ito
「復興ダルマ凧(だこ)」 Daruma for reconstruction

A group of handicapped people from Matsuura have made these kites to encourage people in Tohoku.
The money from their purchase will go to charity.
source : /www.nagasaki-np.co.jp
April 11, 2011
by Aishi (イラストレーター アイシ)
source facebook : 復興ダルマ
There are many patterns with Daruma which people can use to make their own products.
For example, these cups:

Click on the image to see more.
. . . . .
With a Daruma Cup
. Earthquake Relief by Zazzle
. . . CLICK here for Photos : ganbaro Japan !
Let's toughen it out together.
"Let's go Japan". "We can do it".
Let's do our best, Japan.
Let's Carry on Japan!
Ganbaro Nippon !
Daruma from Miharu for reconstruction

復興 。福島の三春 Fukkoo Daruma
source : kitaro.chaya
. MORE . Daruma from Miharu
There will be a Special Reconstruction Festival on July 8, 2011 Day of Daruma.
Okiagari Koboshi 起き上がりこぼし
wobbely Daruma dolls, to help Tohoku get on its feet soon!

森町小国神社、Shizuoka Moricho, Oguni Shrine
Daruma Charity Donation Project

source : yuka
Shingen Daruma bokin collection
七転八起『だるま募金』 信玄だるま
source : omyama.exblog.jp
May 20, 2011
by いとうまさたか-san
November 10, 2001
Santetsu Daruma for the Sanriku Tetsudoo train line

With the wish to get the train line running soon, children put 30 daruma on the seats of the stranded train.
Fudai station 普代駅
source : www.iwate-np.co.jp
December 8 - 13 Exhibition at Temple Jindai-Ji

だるま展 深大寺
Daruma from Takasaki 高崎 復興祈願 だるま
Print one out and hang it in your prayer corner!
ganbaro !! Nihon
ガンバロー 日本

がんばろう 日本 Ganbaro Nippon !

. Daruma Dolls from Fukushima 福島だるま .
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