. WKD : Earthquake (jishin 地震)
earthquake night -
the stars are as silent
as ever

God of earthquakes -
what does it take
to keep you quiet ?

tsunami victims -
their souls wash ashore
with every wave
. . . . .
planting hope
for Fukushima -
planting sunflowers
. Monday, May 30, 2011
a tiny light
in the darkness of Japan -
first firefly
Monday, June 20, 2011
radioactive grass
on the pastures of Fukushima -
kill the horses
July 5, 2011
spreading rumors -
the good ones, the bad ones,
the unfounded ones
September 1, 2011
full moon night -
all the empty beaches
of Tohoku
September 13, 2011
There are many haiku in my daily reports,
and more in the comments to it.
. Earthquake Haiku from this BLOG
. Shiogama town and KIGO 塩釜 .
. Invitation to a linked verse for 2012 .
Poetic contributions to Japanese Culture
. Joys of Japan .
momo no hi no haha ni tsunami no kioku ari
mother still remembers
the great tsunami
on the Peach Blossom Festival
Obara Takuyo (Ohara Takuyo) 小原啄葉
source : www.bousaihaku.com
This refers to the great Sanriku Tsunami in the Meiji period, which happened on May 5, the day of the Boy's Festival, or Peach blossom Festival. The mother of the author has still memories of this event. And every year his mother would pray for the souls of the victims.
The 1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake of M 8.2 on June 15, 1896 was highly destructive, generating one of the most devastating tsunamis in Japanese history, destroying about 9,000 homes and causing at least 22,000 deaths ...
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
(The two dates are different.)
Japanese poets
from the NHK haiku program
. source: maruta.be
春月や 灯ることなき震災地
shungetsu ya tomoru koto naki shinsaichi
spring moon -
there is no lamplight
in the devastated village
Ozawa Koyo (Kooyoo) 小澤光洋
Looking at a village devastated from the tsunami, the author is feeling the helplessness of human beings in this situation.
. . . . .
nai sugite ichiwan no teri cho umaru
after the earthquake
the bay is glistening quietly -
a butterfly is born
Kagiwada Yuuko 鍵和田秞子
Two weeks after the earthquake.
. . . . .

蝶に問う 無事に越えたか黒い波
choo ni tou buji ni koeta ka kuroi nami
I ask the butterfly:
did you cross it safely,
this black wave?
Ishida Ira 石田衣良 (1960 - )
. . . . .
ooyure no chi ni kizuisen zokuzoku to
on the badly shaken ground
yellow narcissus
one after the other
Matsumoto Keiko 松本佳子 from Miyagi

More than a hundred poets from 40 countries have already submitted haiku and other Japanese form poetry and art for the book
"Prayer for Japan"
Origa Olga Hooper
Kankodori Press
Origa translates all haiku to Russian
tsunami victims --
their souls wash ashore
with every wave
жертвы цунами --
выбрасывают на берег души
волна за волной
source : origa.livejournal.com
. Prayer for Japan. -- Молитва о Японии.
Started March 13
cherry trees bloom -
their petals fall like tears
upon the ravaged earth
. Lisette Root, April 21 .
Yesterday we have a Solidarity Day for Japan.
You can see here burgomaster of Zagreb Milan Bandić and Japanese ambassador in Croatia his excellency Mr. Yohio Tamura sharing the fish to the citizens.
My haiku was as "a logo" on the poster.
Ni crni val
ne može zaustaviti
trešnjine cvjetove
. wmd.hr/portal/index-vijesti/..humanitarnu-akciju-za-japan/
Tomislav Maretić, Croatia, April 19
haru no mizu: waters of spring
waters of spring!
in the hells we humans make
you too must suffer!
From Japanese Death Poems:
hito-iki ni kono ajiwai zo haru no mizu
One gulp,
a taste of nectar!
Water in the spring.
--Kimpu, trans. Yoel Hoffman
Hoffman comments:
"Water in the [season of] spring" ('haru no mizu') is a seasonal image in haiku,
yet it hints as well at 'shinimizu', the water given to a dying person."
water of spring,
good to the last drop?
Larry Bole
Japan tsunami--
a floating car overtakes
a boat
. Haiku sequence by Caleb Mutua .
Kenya Saijiki
Haiku in English Tsunami Special
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto
Earthquake in Japan-
its shock wave surrounded
the whole world
-- Vasile Moldovan (Bucharest, Romania)
source : Mainichi Shinbun

Hakata ningyoo ippo seridasu haru no nai
this Hakata doll
is taking one step forward -
earthquake in spring
Kimura Mikan 木村みかん
source : www.haisi.com
100 haiku about earthquake 春の地震 : はるのなゐ
nai no kami なゐの神 god of earthquakes
Haiku by Minami Takeshita (Nara Japan)
A baby was born
being innocent in the earthquake.
What thin fingers it has!
More haiku in Earth Language :
source : www.earthlanguage.org
A sequence by Serge Tome
Ceux de Fukushima...
Those of Fukushima ...
image floue --
le liquidateur et sa lampe
dans la salle de contrôle
blurred image --
the liquidator and his flashlight
in the control room
Fukushima, 23 mars 2011
de l'homme
seulement le masque
dans le noir de la salle
of the man
only the mask
in the darkness
Fukushima, 23 mars 2011
salle de contrôle --
liquidateurs en tenue de couleurs
dans le noir et blanc
control room --
liquidators in white uniforms
in black and white
Fukushima, le 23 mars 2011
noir --
des hommes en tenue blanche
les pieds dans l'eau radioactive
blackness --
men in white uniforms
feet in radioactive water
1 Sievert/heure
en 30 minutes
une vie
1 Sievert/hour
in 30 minutes
a life
derrière la bâche bleue ...
ils cachent trois hommes
qui marchent encore
behind the blue canvas sheet ...
they hide three men
still walking
casque, bottes, gants --
l'homme déchiffre dans la noir
les notes d'avant
hard helmet, wellingtons, gloves --
the man decyphers in the dark
the notes of before
Fukushima, salle de contrôle d'un réacteur, 23 mars 2011.
le plafond est tombé --
dans la salle de contrôle
Fukushima, salle de contrôle du réacteur 1, le 23 mars 2011.
crépitements --
l'homme patauge dans l'eau
cracklings --
the man squelchs in the water
beau temps --
un petit nuage blanc
sort du réacteur 3
nice weather --
a little white cloud
leaks from reactor 3
Réacteur n°3, centrale de Fukushima Daiichi, le 16 mars 2011
puise de l'eau de mer
une fois de plus
the helicopter
pours seawater
one more time
Fukushima, le 17 mars 2011.
tablettes d'iode --
l'homme hésite
en ouvrant la caisse
iodine tablets --
the man hesitates
opening the crate
Zone de Fukushima, le 17 mars 2011.
ferrailles fumantes --
une flèche rouge indique
le réacteur
smoldering scraps --
a red arrow points out
the reactor
Fukushima 16 mars 2011
More Haiku and Earthquake
external LINKS, in no special order
Hiruta Hidenori Sensei
and his haiku friends from AKITA
. Akita Haiku Network
Red Dragonfly writes:
here are a few places you might want to drop by for earthquake news and art:
1. Gabi Greve’s earthquake blog, Japan — After the Big Earthquake. It’s very Gabi-like, meaning insanely comprehensive and completely fascinating.
Mostly it’s full of Japanese news reports about all the details of the earthquake/tsunami aftermath and of the ongoing nuclear disaster saga, but there are also lots of Gabi-style notes about Japanese earthquake folklore and plenty of earthquake haiku from all over the world.
pieces of future days
wash away
— Mark Brooks
source : Red Dragonfly, Melissa
haibun: Today We are All Japanese
March 18
As a Californian, I have often told Americans and Europeans that we feel more deeply connected to Asia than to Europe. We face west, we share an ocean, and a great many Californians trace their heritage to Asia. So much of what makes California what it is came originally from Asia, and a great deal of what makes my California comes from Japan. The tsunami touched Santa Cruz, another link in the pattern that connects California to Japan. It feels so close, that country on the other side of our ocean.
hakone garden
spring rain falls lightly
on the maples
Read it all HERE
source : Heather Madrone
Submit Haikus inspired by Japan’s ‘sense of place’ to support Japan
All the proceeds from the sale of the art cards and the admission to the events will go towards Japanese rebuilding efforts.
source : Laurie Halsey Brown
Ban'ya Natsuishi 夏石番矢, World Haiku Association
Haiku for the Giant Earthquake 11 March
source : banyahaiku
Origami-Kraniche falten, Worte verweben
Nachbeben –
ich versuche
Papierkraniche zu falten
... die Welt hält den Atem an, Schweigeminuten - rund um den Erdball, eine Woche nach den verheerenden Naturkatastrophen im Heimatland des Haiku.
Ich möchte Origami-Kraniche in Form von Haiku sammeln
Ramona Linke
source : Deutsche Haiku Gesellschaft DHG

My Daily Diary
. Haiku about the Earthquake - this BLOG
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