Amy Tan at Home in Pacific Heights
Some basic questions to ask before you fork over big bucks on How to Be a Travel Writer:
Question: How do I avoid a writing scam?
4 Ways to Avoid a Writing Scam
Question: I'm considering taking a writing course that's offered on the internet. The one I'm interested in costs several hundred dollars. How can I be sure it's not a scam? eb
Answer: Hi eb,
First of all, let me acknowledge you for wanting to take your writing to a new level. Writing courses can be good ways to learn more about your craft. And you're wise to be cautious about a writing course you find on the 'net.
Keep in mind that if it sounds to good to be true, it is. Any one or any site that promises to teach you how to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars writing and teach it to you in a few weeks is highly suspect. Not because it's impossible to earn that amount - it is, and it's by and large a learnable skill. But it takes significant time to learn both how to write and how to market the writing.
I suggest the following:
Look for an unconditional money back guarantee.
Insist that you have access to two or three students so you can ask some questions.
Post on our forum, and on two or three others asking if anyone has any experience with the course you're considering.
Google the name of the course and see if, in the first few pages of results, you can find other sites that indicate the course you're considering is a scam.
If, after all this, it still seems like a good deal, you may want to go for it. I do know people who feel they've truly benefited from online writing courses as well as those who don't. Remember, if you do decide to buy the course, you'll have to hold up your end by working hard at what they're teaching you.
If you have a question you'd like to see here, send an email to me at: anne@aboutfreelancewriting.com. Please, put Q&A in the subject line so it won't get lost. I don't promise to answer every question, but I'll consider it. Know too, that when you send a question, and I do decide to publish it, I reserve the right to edit for clarity, etc.
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