Global Traveler
Joe Sent Me has posted a listing of some two dozen leading travel columnists (some with photos!), and an expanded list of several dozen more in the sidebar to the left. Good listing, plus hot links to everyone.
DON GEORGE is the "global travel editor" of LonelyPlanet.com, the Web site of the respected travel guides for intrepid travelers. Thankfully, he wears the sobriquet lightly. His columns have always sparkled with truly original thinking, a burning passion for travel as a constructive force in the world and many lovely and creative turns of phrase. You should read George even if you never leave your own abode. The current iteration of the column, now called What Would Don George Do?, focuses on Don's attempts to bring guidance and sanity to traveler queries.
JOHN FLINN of the San Francisco Chronicle loves to travel off the tourist grid and he writes with verve, style and a lot of other admirable adjectives. When Flinn is on the road, he's a compelling read. When he's writing from his desk about being on the road, he's a compelling read. Flinn, travel editor of the Chronicle, posts his column each Sunday.
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