Gabi reports:
Going down :
. Daily Radiation Levels
Did they really slow down the radioactive leak?
. Radioactive leak slowed .
. . . and at around 8:00 NHK announced ... it stopped!
see below.
But it might start again to leak at some other part, since the water is still in the plant . . .
. . . . .
Singapore is monitoring Japanese produce and
now banned cabbage from Hyogo prefecture.
a new word
dominates the news -
monitaringu モニタリング ...
the more they check, the more they find.
Hyogo, Kobe, is quite a way from Fukushima, so is there a source somewhere in Hyogo?
The other day it was perilla from Ehime, that is even further.
So is there a radioacitve source in Shikoku?
The seawater, fish and clams need monitoring, and much more than in the 20 km zone they do so far.
Vegetables, milk, meet and fish need monitoring,
so do the children before entering a local kindergarden .. parents are afraid and insecure.
Geiger counters are almost sold out in Kanto, everyone wants to check for himself, to be on the safe side.
A friend in Germany is monitoring my email (!), and when he turned the counter toward his coffee beans by chance,
he got an alarming reading ... whow!
Reference : 放射線量モニタリングポスト リンク集

mext : 全国の放射線モニタリングデータ
. . . . .
Children clean their own school bags and donate them to the younger ones who start shool today.
A bag retailer from Tokyo also has donated about 1,000 school bags for elementary school children in Ishinomaki.
Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako visited a shelter and talked to the evacuees.
Grand Sumo Champion Hakuho dished out some chanknabe stew and wrestled with kids in an Arean in Tokyo to encourage the people of Tohoku. The Summer Tournament will be free of charge, to make up for the bout-fixing scandal.
Market monitors in Tokyo predict Japanese investors are expected to continue buying gold, reflecting their worries about the future of the domestic economy following the earthquake and tsunami on March 11.
More people are now also taking quake insurance.
The claims from this one have been over 320.000 cases, but only 10% have already received their due. Insureance companies are working overtime to deal with these numbers.
Bulletins from NHK Online
source : www3.nhk.or.jp
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 19:51 (last night)
Plant radiation monitor says levels immeasurable
A radiation monitor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says workers there are exposed to immeasurable levels of radiation.
The monitor told NHK that no one can enter the plant's No. 1 through 3 reactor buildings because radiation levels are so high that monitoring devices have been rendered useless. He said even levels outside the buildings exceed 100 millisieverts in some places.
Pools and streams of water contaminated by high-level radiation are being found throughout the facility.
The monitor said he takes measurements as soon as he finds water, because he can't determine whether it's contaminated just by looking at it. He said he's very worried about the safety of workers there.
Contaminated water and efforts to remove it have been hampering much-needed work to cool the reactors.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 20:24 (last night)
The operator of the crisis-hit Fukushima nuclear plant has injected a hardening agent beneath a leaking concrete pit in a bid to stem the flow of highly radioactive water into the sea.

The firm says the leakage seems to be decreasing, following the infusion of the hardening agent.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 21:00
Japan FM: Water release not illegal
Japan has defended its release of contaminated water into the sea from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, saying the measure is within international law.
Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto 松本剛明 spoke to reporters on Tuesday, in response to South Korea's expression of concern on Monday.
Matsumoto said radioactive wastewater is being released as an emergency measure in accordance with Japanese domestic law, and doesn't pose a significant health threat.
He said international conventions on nuclear accidents require advance notification in case of a possible threat to cross-border security. But he said the current situation is not such case.
Matsumoto added that Japan's government explained the water release on Monday to foreign embassies in the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 22:26 (late last night)
Japan apologizes to S.Korea for water release
Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has apologized to neighboring countries for causing concern over the release of contaminated water into the sea from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
A senior official of the agency, Hidehiko Nishiyama 西山英彦, told a news conference on Tuesday that Japan failed to contact South Korea before taking the measure.
South Korea's foreign ministry expressed concern on Monday that Japan hadn't notified the country of the release in advance.
Nishiyama said he is sorry for raising concern in the country, although the release was an emergency measure.
He added that the government will fully explain the decision to related countries and reply to questions about the situation at the troubled plant.
East Japan Railway says its Shinkansen bullet trains were able to put on their emergency brakes seconds before the March 11th earthquake, thanks to its early detection system.
On the day of the quake, at 2:47 PM, a seismograph in Miyagi Prefecture 50 kilometers from the tracks detected ground acceleration of 120 gals, which is the benchmark for stopping train operations.
. . . . . Wednesday
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 00:20
US military scales back relief efforts in Japan
The US military has withdrawn 10 ships from a disaster relief mission off the battered coast of northeastern Japan. They were used to airlift supplies to isolated areas immediately after the March 11th quake.
The US military says the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan and 9 other vessels have left because many roads have been cleared and a helicopter platform is no longer needed to transport supplies. It says the initial phase of the relief mission has been completed.
Four US military ships are now stationed off the disaster zone, including an amphibian assault vessel, the Essex.
Shares of the Tokyo Electric Power Company hit a new low on Tuesday, due to major trouble at the firm's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
TEPCO stocks were heavily sold immediately after the opening of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 07:51
Govt considering safety of exclusion zone visits
The Japanese government is drafting safety standards for brief return visits by people who had to evacuate the 20-kilometer zone around the Fukushima nuclear plant.
The government is studying ways to protect the visitors from radioactive contamination inside the zone and decontamination procedures after they leave.
Some residents have submitted requests to visit their homes to gather belongings as it will be a long time before they can return permanently.
The government will arrange for a staff member from the local municipality, police or Self-Defense Force to accompany the small groups of visitors.
It says it will draft a plan after consulting various organizations.
The government has been measuring radioactivity in the air inside the 20-kilometer exclusion zone and will analyze the data to determine if brief visits will be safe.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 08:10
Radioactive water leak at Fukushima plant stops
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says radioactive water stopped leaking into the sea from a concrete pit on Wednesday morning.
Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to check if there are any new leaks.
TEPCO says it confirmed that the water flow stopped at 5:38 AM.

On Tuesday, workers drilled a hole to reach the gravel below the pit and poured 1,500 liters of a hardening agent called liquid glass. TEPCO says this has stopped the flow. The company released a photo which shows that water is no longer flowing into the ocean.
On Saturday, the company spotted water contaminated with high-level radioactive substances leaking from a crack in the pit of the Number 2 reactor. TEPCO said the contaminated water was flowing from a damaged pipe onto the gravel, then into the pit and finally out to sea.
The company had tried a variety of measures to stop the water flow.
The latest move comes as the company continues to release low-level radioactive water from the plant into the sea. The discharge started on Monday to free storage space for higher-level radioactive water. As of 11 PM on Tuesday, 5,600 tons had been expelled into the ocean.
TEPCO has been trying to contain radioactive dust by spraying synthetic resin around the reactors. The company says it will continue this successful operation.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 09:47
Putin voices Russian concerns
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says the situation at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is not improving and has instructed his government to continue closely monitoring radiation levels in areas near Japan.
Putin said this at a meeting on disaster measures with Emergency Ministry officials and meteorological experts on Tuesday.
He said the situation at the nuclear power plant has not improved and that his country must be absolutely sure of the reliability of information concerning Russian territories.
Putin also said Russia must monitor the situation closely.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has urged the governor of Sakhalin to ease anxiety among residents by keeping them informed about radiation levels.
Medvedev says the Japanese government does not yet have complete control over the nuclear accident.
Russia has been monitoring radiation levels at 630 locations in the Far East. Its aircraft and ships are surveying the atmosphere and seawater in areas near Japan. Russia says radiation levels so far are normal.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:09
Nuclear agency criticized for lack of explanation
Municipalities and fisheries cooperatives in Fukushima Prefecture have criticized the government for failing to explain the release of radioactive water into the ocean from the troubled nuclear power plant.
The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, on Monday began releasing low-level radioactive water into the sea from the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
On Tuesday, the federation of fisheries cooperative associations in Fukushima notified the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of its concern. It asked the agency to explain the possible impact on marine products.
The agency's team in Fukushima said it had not heard from local people and had no plans to provide an explanation to the prefecture.
The team was sent to Fukushima to strengthen the provision of information to residents after the troubles at the plant began.
The government of Iwaki City, where Fukushima's largest fisheries port is located, and fisheries cooperatives say people are increasingly worried.
It says the agency is responsible for responding to nuclear accidents and needs to explain many issues but has not contacted them.
Ibaraki fishermen suspend fishing activities
Most local fishery cooperatives in Ibaraki Prefecture are suspending all fishing activities, after small fish caught in waters off its coast were found to contain radioactive cesium above the legal limit.
Ibaraki is located just south of Fukushima, which hosts the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Earlier this week, 526 becquerels of radioactive cesium, exceeding the legal limit of 500, was detected in one kilogram of the small fish called sand lance caught in seas off northern Ibaraki.
As a result, the federation of fisheries cooperatives in Ibaraki decided to stop fishing sand lance, while allowing each cooperative to decide what to do about other catch.
But NHK's survey of local cooperatives in the prefecture found that most of them had decided to halt all fishing for some time to come.
The cooperatives say their fish would not be accepted by brokers or retailers, and as prices are bound to fall it would be unprofitable to fish given the cost of fuel.
The head of the federation says fishermen cannot catch fish in contaminated seawater. He urges the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company to quickly stop the flow of radioactive water.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 11:06
Quake, tsunami debris estimated at 25 mil tons
The environment ministry says the massive March 11th earthquake and tsunami left the 3 hardest hit prefectures under some 24.9 million tons of building debris.

The combined debris in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima Prefectures weighs 1.7 times the wreckage created by the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995.
The ministry says debris in Miyagi reaches about 16 million tons and in Iwate and Fukushima about 6 million and 2.9 million tons.
The estimate does not include vehicles and vessels swept away by the tsunami, and the total is expected to rise.
Local municipalities plan to use parks and athletic fields to place the collected debris temporarily, before burning it or using it for land reclamation.
But land shortages are expected in some municipalities, because places are needed to build temporary housing for evacuees.
The central and prefectural governments are considering the use of public property and lease of private land to address the issue.
(Gabi comments:
After Kobe, they brought debris all the way to Okayama trying to build small incinerators in rural communities to burn it off, inlcuding shredder dust.
At that time, the word DIOXIN was not well known yet . . . )
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 11:57
Fed to watch quake impact on US economy
The minutes of a US Federal Reserve meeting show policymakers will keep a close watch over how Japan's massive March 11th earthquake will affect America's economy.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 12:16
Alternative energy promotion body kicks off
Many members of an international energy organization say Japan's nuclear crisis will lead to increased promotion of alternative energy sources.
The International Renewable Energy Agency, which was established to promote solar and wind power generation, held its first general assembly on Monday and Tuesday in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.
800 people from 150 countries attended.
At the opening meeting, participants observed a moment of silence for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
Japan's Parliamentary Vice Foreign Minister, Ikuo Yamahana 山花郁夫, expressed his nation's intention to actively contribute to the promotion of alternative energy sources through the association's activities.
A representative from Mauritania said the unfortunate accident will make the world more aware of the need to promote next-generation energy sources.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 12:49
Nitrogen gas injection planned for No.1 reactor
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it will inject nitrogen gas into the containment vessel of one of its reactors as early as Wednesday evening, to prevent a possible hydrogen explosion.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, said on Wednesday that hydrogen gas appears to be accumulating inside the containment vessel of the Number one reactor.
The utility says damaged fuel rods and water broken down by radiation inside the reactor's containment vessel may be leading to the release of hydrogen gas.
TEPCO added that it is also considering the injection of nitrogen into the Number 2 and 3 reactors.
Nuclear power plants are equipped with a device to inject nitrogen gas into containment vessels, but TEPCO said it plans to use an alternative device this time.
A blast ripped off the roof and walls of the Number One reactor building on March 12th, one day after the massive quake and tsunami hit the plant.
Experts believe that accumulated hydrogen gas was behind the blast.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 13:31
Iitate village to evacuate pregnant women, kids
Pregnant women and small children in IItate village in Fukushima Prefecture, about 40 kilometers from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, will be temporarily evacuated if they apply to do so.
The decision by the prefecture and village on Wednesday came as concerns mount among residents over high radiation levels detected in the village.
Iitate is located outside the evacuation zone for the troubled nuclear plant. But the village's radiation level recorded nearly 45 microsievert per hour at its peak on March 15th, and has been significantly higher than most other areas more than 30 kilometers away from the plant.
On Wednesday, the level is about 6 microsieverts per hour, but even this would exceed 1,000 microsieverts if people remained outdoors for 24 hours over about one week. 1,000 microsieverts-per-year of radiation is the long-term reference level for people as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.
The village says it will arrange evacuation to Fukushima City for about 2 months, and those eligible to apply will be pregnant women, children younger than 3 and their guardians.
The village will start evacuating them in a week's time.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 16:03
French lab: radiation may harm marine resources
A French nuclear safety institute is calling for long-term monitoring of the Pacific Ocean off northeastern Japan following leaks of radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety has analyzed the impact on the sea of a recent leak of water with high levels of radiation at the No.2 reactor. The computer analysis was based on publicly available data.
The analysis showed that as of Monday, water contaminated with radioactive substances had spread to areas near the coasts of Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures.
It also showed that airborne radioactive substances had mixed with seawater. The research projected that the contaminated water could be spread throughout the Pacific Ocean in 3 months by the Japan Current.
The French laboratory said some radioactive substances may be diluted by seawater, but others are highly likely to settle on the seabed.
It added that cesium-134 can remain in the sea for several years and cesium-137 for about 30 years. The lab warned that fish and seaweed in Pacific coastal areas of Japan could be contaminated by the substances.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 18:51
Radioactive water leak stops
Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, says it has stopped radioactive water leaking from a concrete pit outside the No.2 reactor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
On Tuesday, the plant operator drilled a hole into a layer of gravel around the pit, and poured a hardening agent called liquid glass, or sodium silicate, to stop the leak of highly radioactive water into the sea.
TEPCO says the flow was confirmed to have stopped on Wednesday morning, and that there has since been no change in the water level in the pit and the nearby turbine building.
Workers are looking for more possible cracks through which the water could leak out.
Meanwhile, TEPCO is continuing to release about 8,000 tons of wastewater contaminated with low-level radiation into the sea to make room in storage tanks for highly contaminated water. It says about 6,000 tons of water have already been released.
The company is also continuing to spray a synthetic resin solution on the plant's premises to prevent radioactive dust from becoming airborne.
Debris and dust contaminated with radioactive material have been scattered across the compound by a series of explosions at the No.1 through No.3 reactors.
On Wednesday, the resin solution was sprayed over a 300 square meter area around a pool for spent nuclear fuel.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 19:50
Workers face challenge of water storage
Workers struggling to control the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant face the challenge of storing huge amounts of radioactive wastewater found throughout the facility.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, says at least 50,000 tons of wastewater contaminated with highly radioactive material has pooled in reactor turbine buildings and outdoor trenches.
The water has been hampering efforts to restore reactor cooling systems, raising fears that it will leak out and further pollute the sea.
TEPCO has been working to determine where the contaminated water can stored safely.
One option is the plant's turbine condensers, which convert steam into water. Another is a processing facility for nuclear waste from the plant's No. 1 through 4 reactors. TEPCO also plans to construct makeshift water tanks. It says that using all three options, it should be able to store more than 60,000 tons of wastewater.
But about 500 tons of fresh water is injected into reactor buildings each day to cool down the reactors. Some of the water is believed to be leaking outside after becoming contaminated.
This means the total amount of radioactive wastewater in the compound could exceed the currently estimated 50,000 tons, requiring more storage space.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 20:25
March 11 quake moves seabed 24 meters off Miyagi
The Japan Coast Guard says the seabed right above the seismic focus of the powerful earthquake on March 11th moved 24 meters to the east off Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan.
After the magnitude 9.0 quake, the coast guard analyzed data on its benchmarks, which had been set on the seabed at a depth of more than 1,000 meters.
They found that one benchmark 120 kilometers east of the Oshika peninsula had moved about 24 meters to the east-southeast and rose 3 meters.
Another point 70 kilometers east of the peninsula was found to have moved 15 meters east-southeast and sank 60 centimeters.
The same point moved 10 centimeters after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake 6 years ago.
But they say such a large shift caused by the latest earthquake is unprecedented.
The coast guard will report its findings to a government panel on earthquake research next week in hopes that the data will help clarify the movement of the fault that caused the March 11th earthquake.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 21:50
Plutonium detected again in Fukushima plant soil
Tokyo Electric Power Company has again detected a very small volume of plutonium in soil samples from the disaster-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The operator of the plant collected samples from 4 locations at the compound of the plant on March 25th and 28th for analysis by an outside organization.
The utility says the radioactive substance was detected on the soil about 500 meters west-northwest of the No.1 reactor and a site near a solid waste storage facility 500 meters north of the reactor.
The first sample measured 0.26 becquerels of plutonium-238 per 1 kilogram of soil, down about 50 percent from the volume found earlier.
Highly toxic plutonium, a byproduct of the nuclear power generation process, was also found at the same locations in samples collected on March 21st and 22nd.
The plutonium appears to be related to the ongoing nuclear accident. TEPCO says the volume is so small that it does not pose a threat to human health.
This level is almost the same as the amount usually in the Japanese soil and also about the same the level of fallout from nuclear tests in the atmosphere outside Japan.
TEPCO says the No.3 reactor at the Fukushima plant was powered with uranium-plutonium mixed-oxide fuel.
But the company says that it cannot identify which reactor released the plutonium, because plutonium is produced at other reactors using uranium fuel.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 21:50
Radiation levels in seawater remain high
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says radiation levels detected in seawater near the plant remain high.
Tokyo Electric Power Company says it detected 11,000 bequerels of radioactive iodine-131 per cubic centimeter in seawater samples collected around the water intake of the No.2 reactor on Tuesday morning.
That's 280,000 times higher than the maximum allowed under the government's standards.
The recorded radioactive concentration was still high even though it was lower than that of last Saturday, when 7.5 million times the legal limit was detected at the same spot.
The utility also detected 24 bequerels of iodine-131 per cubic centimeter, about 600 times higher than the legal limit, in samples taken near the water outlet of the No.5 and No.6 reactors on Tuesday. The figure was higher than that of the previous day.
At a location about 330 meters south of the water outlet of the 4 reactors, the iodine-131 concentration had fallen from 4,385 times the legal limit detected last Wednesday to 400 times the legal limit, or 16 bequerels per cubic centimeter on Tuesday.
Voices from around
. The Daily Reading List .
. Japan Times, April 6
. . . . .
Sea radiation is another blow to Japan's fishermen
Fishermen who lost their homes and boats in Japan's tsunami now fear radioactive water gushing into the Pacific Ocean from a crippled nuclear plant could cost them their livelihoods.
The contaminated water raised concerns about the safety of seafood in the country that gave the world sushi, prompting the government to set limits for the first time on the amount of radiation permitted in fish.
Authorities insisted the radioactive water would dissipate and posed no immediate threat to sea creatures or people who might eat them. Most experts agreed.
Still, Japanese officials adopted the new standards as a precaution. And the mere suggestion that seafood from Japan could be at any risk stirred worries throughout the fishing industry.
"Even if the government says the fish is safe, people won't want to buy seafood from Fukushima," says Ichiro Yamagata, a fisherman who lived in the shadow of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.
"We probably can't fish there for several years."
India announced Tuesday that it was halting food imports from Japan out of fear of radiation contamination.
Japan imports far more fish than it exports, but it sent the world $2.3 billion worth of seafood last year.
source : news.yahoo.com
. . . . .
AVA suspends food imports from Japan's Hyogo prefecture
Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority has suspended more food imports from Japan. This time, fruits and vegetables arriving from Hyogo prefecture will be banned.
source : www.channelnewsasia.com
. . . . .
„Fukushimas Küste wird massiv kontaminiert“
Ex und hopp? Der Chemiker Manfred Santen von Greenpeace Deutschland spricht im FAZ.NET-Interview über den Plan der japanischen Regierung und der Betreiberfirma Tepco, radioaktiv belastetes Reaktorwasser bewusst ins Meer einzuleiten.
Herr Santen, mehr als elf Millionen Liter radioaktiv verseuchtes Wasser werden vor Fukushima in den Pazifik abgelassen. Erwarten Sie ein Fischsterben?
Wir wissen es derzeit einfach nicht. Es ist bekannt, dass Fische durch eine erhöhte Strahlendosis krank werden können und dass Organe geschädigt werden können.
Welche Folgen erwarten Sie dann für den Pazifik?
Zurzeit traut sich kein Experte, etwas vorherzusagen.
..... Die japanische Regierung hat selbst ein Messprogramm im Meer vor Fukushima aufgebaut und veröffentlich täglich Daten. Trauen Sie den Analysen?
Wir haben durch unsere Messungen an Land festgestellt, dass die Werte der Behörden kaum von unseren abweichen. Das hat uns erstmal beruhigt.
source : www.faz.net
a dog rescued
from drifting ocean debris --
the sun rising
Chen-ou Liu, Canada

A dog rescued from a roof drifting off Japan's north-east coast more than three weeks after a quake and tsunami has been reunited with her owner.
The owner recognised the dog from a TV news report on the rescue on Friday. The female owner and the two-year-old dog called Ban バン had an emotional reunion at an animal care centre where she was being looked after. The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a drifting roof some 1.8km off Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast.
Ban immediately jumped up and wagged her tail when her owner appeared, local media reported.
source : 地震から約3週間
. . . . .
Floating roof
After the tsunami
A dog still alive
On the shore the owner
Says a prayer
Angelika Kolompar
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