Travel Writer Wannabees
Though surprisingly weak in the travel writing website/blog section, this list is generally filled with excellent websites and blogs for the prospective and experienced writer.
Writer's Digest
100 Best Websites for 2005
Complete A-Z List
21st Century Publishing
URL: www.julieduffy.com
Learn more about the world of print-on-demand publishing and marketing and promoting your work at this 21st Century Publishing site.
A Long Story Short
URL: www.alongstoryshort.homestead.com
This e-zine features women writers and showcases its favorite contributions to the site. The site’s submission committee provides critiques to aspiring writers, time permitting.
URL: www.stands4.com
Since many abbreviations and acronyms are learned on a need-to-know basis, visit this site for thousands of entries, including Internet emoticons.
Absolute Write
URL: www.absolutewrite.com
Do you need freelance work? Stay in the loop with this site’s two newsletters: One lists agents looking for writers, while the other has guidelines, jobs for writers and calls for submissions.
Agent Query
URL: www.agentquery.com
This searchable database shortens your search for an agent. Search by fiction or nonfiction genres and limit your search to agents accepting submissions or e-queries.
Agent Research
URL: www.agentresearch.com/agent_ver.html
Use this free service to see if an agent is on the up-and-up. Agent information is updated from public records.
All Info
URL: www.allinfo-about.com
Visit this site’s specialized links to get information on writing poetry, freelance, fantasy literature and mysteries. Then view the site’s other links for background information on everything from nursery rhymes to jewelry making.
Allbooks Reviews
URL: www.allbooksreviews.bravehost.com
Find a comprehensive list of book reviews in various genres and read authors’ comments at this site.
Angle on Writing
URL: www.angleonwriting.com
A revision checklist, tips to start a writing group and give feedback, plus a 50-question character profile are all available here.
Appollo's Lyre
URL: www.apolloslyre.com
Visit this site for book reviews, submission guidelines and publication venues. Young writers can check out its Junior Muses link. YW
URL: www.artellawordsandart.com
Artella—the name comes from combining "art" and "telling"—strives to create a new art form by combining words with art. To get your creative juices flowing, the site offers an e-zine, poetry contests, forums and creativity seeds.
Author Mania
URL: www.authormania.com
Visit this site to work on your writing craft by reading its articles that help you build believable characters, plots and more.
URL: www.authorsden.com
Use this site to give and receive feedback on books, articles, poetry and stories. Then store your favorite for easy access.
URL: www.bksp.org
Find critique forums, tips and writing resources, plus agents, authors and editors as guest speakers in discussion forums. The site has a $30 annual membership fee and offers a free five-day trial.
URL: www.bartleby.com
Go to this site for literary definitions, quotations and access to more than 370,000 Web pages.
URL: www.rantsravesreviews.homestead.com
You can find book reviews from the site’s editors, plus links to other reviews and a literary "link of the day" at this site.
Blue Oasis Online Support Team
URL: www.boost4writers.com
Blue Oasis Online Support Team exists for children’s writers, but forum discussions and tips benefit writers of all genres.
Writer's Digest Top 100 Websites for Writers -- Including Hot Links